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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Recap! Feat. Birthday, Bachelorette,and Besties

FINALLY!  A post where you get to see that I have a LIFE!  There will be nothing about potty training, pools, or babies (well maybe just a little bit).  

Here is my dear friend Bre and my little man Vandis at Applebee's this past Thursday.  I just really like this picture... plus it shows how seriously big my little guy is getting! He just turned 4 months old!

My sister and I scouted out some sales at Old Navy on Friday morning and Peyton found some friends to play with... it was a great time

My parents are out of town this weekend so we are celebrating my brother Micah's birthday on Monday... but since his real birthday was on Friday my sister and brother's girlfriend (not girlfriend to Micah... girlfriend to Joseph) and I took him out for lunch to celebrate!  Happy 15th Birthday Micah!

I love me a good excuse to go out to eat!  

Friday night...oooh Friday night... Bachelorette party!!!  Miss Laura is getting married this coming FRIDAY and I couldn't be more happy for her :)  We celebrated her by dressing up in our best 80's gear.  Obviously.

Here is my sister all 80-fied!

We met up at a dance studio and learned a dance routine to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.  

(The Bride-to-be is the 3rd from the left in the grey shirt and I am on the far right, rocking the zebra headband)

It was so much fun!  We totally rock the dance btw

We're thinking of making this a full time look... what do ya think?

After the 80's style dance part of the night, we had 45 minutes to go from "hot" to "hotter" aka 80's to 2011.  I'd say we pulled it off beautifully! 

We went to Crave for dinner... where I shared 3 different things with 3 different people because I love variety and I can be indecisive when it comes to food. My most favorite thing was the Grape, Apple,  and Blue Cheese Flatbread.  Oh my.  So so good!  I won't need variety next time I go... I'll probably just get 3 servings of the Grape, Apple,  and Blue Cheese Flatbread!

Here is the cute Bachlorette drinking her virgin drink... because yes, she is under 21.  And no, she is not too young to get married and she doesn't care that she can't drink at her wedding.

I'm so so happy for you Laur! You are going to make a great wife and a beautiful bride... I'm honored to have been a part of your fun night. I love you <3

*** This was the first over night that I have had away from Vandis... and it all went just fine :)  Thank you to grandma Candice for staying overnight with the kiddos!


  • Peyton pooped in the potty for the first time.  Yes, I took a picture. No, I'm not posting it.
  • Jillian and I finished stuff for the play that we have coming up in just over 2 weeks.
  • We tried having a Transformers marathon, but only watched the first one.
  • We stayed in our pajamas all day.
I watched my friend Steph's girls today and we all had a blast! My mini van was almost full on the way to lunch after church!  I loved it :)

We met up with some friends after church for lunch at Burger Jones... it was delish!  We got to eat outside on the patio and the weather couldn't have been more perfect!

Miss Olivia had just had too much fun and fell fast asleep in Hannah's arms... too cute!

After lunch, we came back home to play!  And play we did...

Oh, and if you couldn't tell... these girls are besties.  Like BEST besties. Forever.

I mean, the cute girls have to stick together!

Our house was more fun with you guys here!  We'll miss you <3

Here's to another week closer to Ryan's Homecoming :)


Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

What a funnnn recap full of photos :) LOVE It!!! And love the ones of the girls... they are just TOO cute together! And, Hannah and Livi... <3 So precious!

Stephanie M. Page said...

Thanks for taking care of and loving my girls. You make me cry with your generosity. hugs. xoxoxoxo

Katie said...

I was underage at my wedding, and I got soooo many comments about how young I was, and all. It was nice seeing someone else is young too. And the pictures of the girls are just too cute.