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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Potty Training Away From Home

Because sanity is an important thing in my life I have decided that we have to leave the house during this whole potty training experience.

I know, I know... they say the child is supposed to stay home till they've "got it".  Pshh apparently whoever they are don't have potty training toddlers.  Or a life. 

So yes.  Going out with a potty training toddler.  Who can't yet vocalize " I have to go potty".  Fun, right?


Here's how we do it. 

When we go to a place like the beach the chlorinated man made swimming pond ('cuz we're super hard core like that)... she wears a swim diaper.  100% of the time.  She probably will all summer... I don't want her to be responsible for the floating log that shuts down the fun for the day.  Pretty sure there would be some therapy involved in that kind of drama.  No, thank you!

When we run errands for an hour or so we leave right after we've gone potty with just panties on.  Simple.

Sunday morning church... so far we're still in a diaper there... we'll see what the next couple weeks bring us.

At grandma and grandpa's houses no diaper.

When we're gone all day like we were today... we put on our panties and head out with a change of clothes.  (Actually a change of clothes for the toddler and the baby.  One word. Blowouts.)  And we try and use the big potty (which she has apparently done for both grandmas... but not yet for me) and we fail.  BIG TIME.  Like hold the pee in for 10 hours fail.  This girl will NOT use the big potty.  She does the potty dance and everything... but will not let it go on that big intimidating potty.

So now that we've got the whole "going potty on my cute princess potty chair and being rewarded with a tinkle tune" down, we're going to start working on "going potty on the big boring white tuneless toilet".  Should be a good time.

But really... 10 hours.  Today it ended with an accident on the 15 minute drive home.  I almost cried.

I am really proud of her for trying not going in her panties though!  She's learning :)

So that's how we are doing potty training away from home.  Sometimes we wear a diaper and most of the time we don't.  

I'm just dreaming of the day when this is all learned... oh it will be wonderful :)

Until then... here's to TMI blog posts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We are potty training Joshua too but we aren't even close to the underwear outside of the house yet haha now he just runs around naked and I make him sit on the potty every 20 minutes so there is no pee on the floor, and put a diaper on for an hour in the morning so we don't get poop on the floor haha