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Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bullet Point Post

  • The husband has been gone for 5 months as of yesterday.  One more month and we're at the halfway point!
  • My baby-turned-toddler is doing great with potty training!  She just went in the potty BY HERSELF (without me making her sit or even asking if she had to go) today!   We've been at it for 5 days now and I'm hopeful that it wont be much longer now :)
  • The Truth Project (a video study I am watching with a small group of people from my church) is really great!  I'm learning a lot :)
  • I can't really believe it has been 3 and a half months since my little Van man was born.
  • Just now I killed a spider.  Like a big one.  I maybe hyperventilated a teeny bit. I totally have to buy some Raid.
  • Right after I killed the spider Peyton peed on "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" 
  • I'm in the process of getting together a "Happy Anniversary" package to send over to Ryan on Monday.  It will be 3 years on August 1st.
  • I'm off to make a late lunch and hang out with my kiddos!

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