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Thursday, July 14, 2011

When All I want To Do Is Sleep...

I am not a morning person.  I could stay up till 3 am every night and sleep in till 10:30 every morning.  

But because I am a mom and my kids don't have the same sleep schedule as I do... I go to bed at 1am and get up at 8:30.  Which is actually pretty great!

But sometimes, with this new baby, 8:30 becomes 6:30.  Which is not as great.

On those mornings I have to peel my eyes open and lift my very awake and alert baby boy out of his bassinet so he can hang out with his momma.  Which is all he ever wants.

I love this time!  I mean, yeah... all I feel like doing is sleeping... but I know that I am going to miss this time with him so much.  Mommy/Vandis time.  Just the two of us. 

Time to play.  Time to laugh. Time to sit and stand. Time to take cell phone pictures.

Vandis, I love those mornings with you :)  

But, maybe try to limit them to like once or twice a week. 

Thanks bud!

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