But we're doing the whole darn thing.
'Cuz it's been too long since I've had a weekend recap.
And I miss it!
So here we go...
On Friday I had small group at the newlywed James and Hannah's house. We're going through a video series called The Truth Project and it's really good! The teacher (professor? doctor? I'm probably offending someone right now) looks and sounds JUST like Steven Martin in Baby Mama. Which makes it that much better. That was probably offensive too.
My friend Dan from high school has parties every-so-often that are totally awesome because he invites all our old friends from high school!* It's always so fun to see everyone and catch up. This particular party had a great turn out and I was happy that my kids cooperated enough that we got to stay really late!
*We know that its kind of weird to still be in contact with people from high school, but we went to PACT Charter. It's like some sort of weird cult-y thing. Everyone stays in contact with each other... you rarely see one PACT person without another.
I got to know one of my friend's wife much better and we found out that we have a LOT in common including blogging, being best friends with Dave Ramsey, and our LOVE for Microsoft Excel. She has a blog about her own DIY home improvement projects... and I got the 411 last night that she's thinking about including some gluten-free recipes that she had made because of her own gluten-free diet. Check her out!!! She is hilarious, you won't be disappointed!
All in all, we had a great night of food, friends, HEAT, and fun!
Here Peyton is with my friend Joy's new puppy! Such a cutie :)
David (he and Ryan have known each other since 6th grade!) took Peyton in the pool for a bit. He works outside in the summer, can you tell?
So much fun! Thanks Dan for having us :)
Church... great sermon! LOVE
Then my parents house for a delicious summer lunch.
Then spending some time with my dad in the hot.hot.hot. garage getting the toddler bed that I'll be using for Peyton down from the rafters. Along with a few other things that I found and am interested in... but that's for another post :)
Just 30 more weekend recaps until my hubby is home for good! That's almost 29. Which is just 10 more than 19... and then we're in the teens! Wow, that's like no time at all ;) We can hardly wait!!!
Tomorrow starts another busy week! Enjoy the last few hours of this blessed Sunday!
Thanks for the shout-out! Now the pressure's on to keep people entertained on my blog haha :)It was so great to chat with you on Saturday! Matt and I had a Dave Ramsey date last night and it was wonderful. I think Matt felt like the third wheel cause Dave and I are like BFF's now! And thanks for the adorable post, as always!
Thanks for the shout-out! Now the pressure's on to keep people entertained on my blog haha :)It was so great to chat with you on Saturday! Matt and I had a Dave Ramsey date last night and it was wonderful. I think Matt felt like the third wheel cause Dave and I are like BFF's now! And thanks for the adorable post, as always!
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