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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Family Vacation Day 1

My Dad and I found a Groupon for Giants Ridge a while back and we are using them this week for a family vacation!

Everyone (except for Ryan and including my brother's girlfriend Ashley) is enjoying time together in Biwabik, MN.

We drove up yesterday and settled into our rooms before going swimming, hiking, and exploring.

On our hike (really more of a walk) we splashed, ruined our shoes, and knocked down dead trees.

Great bonding times were had by all.

We have a couple more days here... and we plan on enjoying every second. 

Unless you are Peyton, Joseph, Isaac, or Micah.  In which case you will sleep until 11:30 and then enjoy the time here.

We practiced our planking skills...

Took some awkward family photos...

And played at the park.

Today, we're off to find some hiking trails and more trees to push over.


Michelle said...

Oh, how nice. I wish I were on a family vacation right now, too! Enjoy it!!

Stephanie M. Page said...

you guys are very funny, and were these taken with a new camera? looove fam vacays! although, I am missing you and am eager for you to be back...lots of stuff that I need your brain for!!!!! xoxoxoxox =)