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Monday, September 26, 2011

Sing Off... Where Have You Been All My Life?

I've not heard of this show "Sing Off" until I saw it on Hulu last week.  It's on Monday nights... but no, I did not watch it tonight.  I'll watch it commercial and judging free tomorrow... Just because I don't super love those parts.  Thank you, Hulu!

My favorite of last week was the all girl group Deliah.  They could have used some more clothing, but their song was uh-MAzing!

Excited to watch tonight's episode tomorrow during nap time :)  Good use of time, don't you think?

Here's to not getting too involved in TV this fall!

Here's hoping, anyways :/

1 comment:

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

SO my favorite show!! :) You will love last nights... and I really enjoyed Delilah too, girls can SING! Wowzzaaaaa