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Monday, August 22, 2011

A Quick Dunn Bros Post of Randomness

I just got done with class.  Early.  Which is nice!  I thought every Monday I would be there till 8:50 but it looks like I'll be done by 8 every week!  The last hour is for people who need computer lab time.  Which I don't.  All my irrational fears came true.  Just kidding.  None of them did.  Even a little bit.  Community college is a funny thing though... my oh my there are some characters in that school!

I am now sitting at Dunn Brothers waiting for it to be 9:00 so I can go meet up with some friends at Applebbe's for HALF PRICED APPS!!!!  We get excited about our cheap food.

My kids are with my mom at home having tons of fun, I'm sure.

My husband informed me today that he is going to be leading a mission in a different country than he is in now and will be there from 2-6 weeks.  With little or no way to contact me.  I'm proud that he was asked to lead this cool new mission thing... but a tiny bit nervous about the change and sad that we won't be able to talk very much during this time.  I just remind myself that we have been so so blessed to be able to talk as much as we have during this deployment and 2-6 weeks isn't that long.  Right? :)

On Sunday, after church, a group of us decided to go to Godfathers to get some lunch.  When we got there we realized that we knew everyone else in the restaurant.  They all were from our church.  It was like we never even left the building.  You see, Godfathers does this cool thing where you show them your church bulletin and you get a 2 for 1 pizza buffet!  UH-MAZING! Again with the cheap food thing... real excited.  ANYWAYS let me get to the point of this pizza ramble... our friends Ben and Bri just had a little baby girl Madison Grace on Thursday (and yes, they did come to church, that's dedication people!) and they brought their sweet pink bundle out to eat with us.  Vandis was really excited to be hanging out with Miss Madison. We think his dad will have to teach him about figuratively drooling over a girl vs. literally drooling over a girl.  I just don't think that most girls appreciate a man who can blow spit bubbles.  But that's just me... maybe Madison is totally into spit bubbles. We're talking wedding already for these two.  Pre-arranged marriage anyone?

Well this was a fun little time to squeeze in a post :)  Hope you had a fantastic Monday friends!


Anonymous said...

He looks huge next to her! So cute :)

Ria @ Life as a Wife! said...

CUTE!! She's so little... I love it :)